13 Reasons Why We Need to Talk about Suicide
13 Reasons Why opened a door and gave us the opportunity…
The NAN Project produced 13 Reasons Why We Need to Talk about Suicide to:
inform viewers about the true risk factors that increase the chances someone may consider suicide,
provide information on the supports available, and
empower our audience with the tools to reach out to a loved one in crisis.
We hope you find the video enlightening and useful. Remember, There is Hope and There is Help!
Below are links to the 13 vignettes so that they may be watched individually.
Anxiety as a Risk Factor
Self Harm as a Risk Factor
Bullying as a Risk Factor
Cultural Factors as a Risk Factor
Stigma as a Risk Factor
Sexual Assault as a Risk Factor
Depression as a Risk Factor
Drugs & Alcohol as a Risk Factor
Transgender Challenges as a Risk Factor
LGBTQ+ Issues as a Risk Factor
Myths & Truths About Suicide
Coping Strategies
What to do if you’re concerned about a peer