August 17, 2017

A Night for NAN

A Night for NAN

Save the Date – October 19, 2017 from 6:00 to 9:00pm at Danversport Yacht Club

On behalf of The NAN Project, I am delighted to invite you to our first annual Night for Nan! This fundraiser and celebration of Nan’s life will be held at the picturesque Danversport Yacht Club, so please Save the Date – Thursday, October 19th from 6:00 to 9:00. The evening promises to be a fun filled event with presentations from our amazing Peer Mentors, a raffle, food, drinks, a silent auction and much more, all in support of The NAN Project’s mission to spread awareness about mental health and suicide prevention in schools across Massachusetts.

The Night for Nan will raise money to train and employ The NAN Project’s amazing group of Peer Mentors. These young adults have been coached over the past year to present their Comeback Stories of struggling with mental health concerns and finding paths to recovery to local high schools. The support we provide helps these young people both therapeutically and financially, while delivering a message of hope to the students who we reach. In 2017 alone, The NAN Project’s Peer Mentors presented their powerful stories in ten high schools, reaching over 1,000 students across Massachusetts. The NAN Project supplemented these presentations with professional development to more than 200 faculty members on the risks, signs and responses to students in crisis. We have already had some amazing items donated to our auction, and are extremely appreciative of your generosity in supporting this important cause. With your help, we believe we can reach even more students in the 2017-2018 school year.

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The NAN Project engages with local communities whenever the opportunity arises. If you would like to see us visit your community for tabling, presentations or workshops, feel free to reach out!