Lesson Plans for Educators

The NAN Project is pleased to offer the following programs as a set of tools for schools and youth serving organizations to promote self-care, routine, and connectedness for the young people they serve. All modules are equipped with: 1) A Lesson Plan for the facilitator to lead the lesson 2) A Set of Slides, which can be viewed by the students or young adults to more easily follow the lesson’s flow. We hope you find them helpful and appreciate any feedback you have, submitted through this short feedback survey, so that we can continually improve this set of programs.

Nanner Virtual Hangout #13: Establishing Boundaries

Boundary-setting can be a tool to take care of yourself and your mental health, especially for students who have less independence while social distancing. This lesson includes an overview of boundaries and the skills needed to set and reinforce them, and a visual representation of student’s boundaries.

(45 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #12: Holding Hands – Staying Connected

This activity offers an opportunity to reflect on the ways we are connecting with our friends and family, and discuss different strategies to improve that connectivity.

(45 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #10: Self Care Toolbox

This activity invites students to evaluate what is working for them right now, and identify gaps in their current self care, by discussing different domains of self care.

(35-40 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #9: Reframing Negative Perspective – “Shifting Towards Hope”

This art therapy directive aims to externalize stress and negative emotions.  This visualization will help us notice where we are getting stuck in negative narratives and feelings and how we can feel more hopeful and positive. (30-40 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #7: Stress Management – “In My Control”

Many of us are receiving distressing, upsetting, or even scary information about how our world or communities are affected by the coronavirus. Much of this news is not something we can control or affect. The discussion and visual created during this activity validate students’ concerns, but also call attention to how many things are within our control, even in these challenging times.

(45 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #6: Goal Setting – “Intention Tree” 

Facing challenges gives us the opportunity to reflect on our hopes for the future and set new goals. This intention setting technique empowers us to design our lives based on a personal sense of meaning and positive mental well-being. Students will identify an intention or goal,  as well  as the supports and actions needed for that intention.

(35-45 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #5: Self Compassion – “Letter to Myself” 

Self Compassion offers a space for the intense feelings we may be having, as well as an opportunity to offer ourselves some comfort during stressful times.This lesson will introduce the basics of self-compassion, and offer students a moment in their day to reflect on themselves and their mental health with kindness and understanding.

(35-45 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #4: Self Care – “Passing the Energy”

Using a wide array of body expressions and movements, students get to share with the group some activity that we have done in the past week to cope that promotes selfcare.

(55-75 Minutes)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #3: “Staying Positive & Self Compassion” 

This activity encourages participants to maintain and refocus our attention on some of the things that bring us joy and happiness. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own strategies for maintaining self-care.

(45 Minutes-1hr)

Nanner Virtual Hangout #1: “5 Senses Survival Kit” 

Using everyday objects you have around you, create a few simple reminders of coping skills and self-care practices. This activity will get you up and moving, while tapping in to your five senses.

(35-45 Minutes)